Our Values
The values of our church came together in a manner that reflects the communal nature of our congregation and honors the wisdom and voice of each member of the body. In our early days as a church, our members gathered together and shared with one another their beliefs, theology, values, and passions.
Listening, collaborating, and discerning together, we assembled a set of values that encompasses the shared beliefs of our diverse congregation. We don’t hold to our values as doctrine or views which members are required to ascribe to. Rather we understand them as we do the biblical text – a living, breathing document that we each hold in our own unique way and offer our interpretation to.
Belonging and Inclusion
Everyone is welcome to follow Jesus with us. Anyone willing to covenant with us and commit to our church is eligible for membership.
We value diversity of the congregation and unity of purpose. We welcome everyone who seeks to follow God and shares our purpose.
A member’s calling, talents, spiritual gifts, training and maturity, not their gender, sexual orientation, age or race determine that member’s ministry and leadership opportunities within our church.
We believe all members of the church regardless of sexual orientation have the right of full participation in the life, events and ceremonies of the church including baptism, communion, marriage, and ordination.
We value the inclusion of people of all ages in our worship, ministries and the life of the church.
We define, bless and support marriage as a lifelong monogamous commitment between two adults regardless of sexual orientation, in which they cherish each other above all other loves and ambitions except God.
We value the single person and their pursuit of a chaste and whole life with God.
Our response to divorce and separation is to treat those involved with compassion and consolation.
We are a Bible-based community and read it with openness to various interpretations, discussion, and questioning.
We trust the Bible, revelation through the Holy Spirit, and the discernment of our Christian community as sources of wisdom for our Christian faith and action.
We value community and fellowship to connect as a body that cares for its members as individuals, helping each person to reach spiritual maturity.
We value small groups as a means to be ministers to and to be ministered by each other through sharing, praying, studying, and living in community.
We value the ministry of healing for the mind, body and spirit through, prayer, touch, sharing of knowledge and encouragement.
We value the journey to spiritual wholeness, both individually and corporately.
We value each person as one who can discern spiritual truths, who has a voice, and who needs to be heard in a safe, respectful manner.
We are congregationally led. As a congregationally led church community, the members are the ultimate decision-makers and pastors and other leaders are accountable to the membership.
We commit to working out our differences in a loving, respectful manner.
We value honesty and integrity as we speak the truth in love regarding all aspects of life.
We value servant leadership.
Education and Worship
We value worship that is spirit-filled, participatory, celebrative, meditative, God-centered, transforming, nourishing and creative.
We value the education of our members in our core values, spiritual life, the sacraments and community life through our worship services, Sunday School and other gatherings.
We commit to identify, develop, encourage, exercise and utilize individual spiritual gifts.
Our children, teen-agers and young adults are the future of our church: and as such we value age-appropriate teaching and ministry programs to enable their spiritual development.
Holy Spirit
We value teaching/preaching that is led by the Holy Spirit.
We value both individual and corporate prayer, listening and seeking to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
We value the Spirit-filled life together. The Holy Spirit is present to empower, comfort and instruct believers.
We value our responsibility to love all as God loves us.
We are called and commissioned by our Lord to make disciples, and we take this responsibility seriously as individuals and as a body. We commit to our journey of becoming Christ-like.
We acknowledge the Lord’s requirement of us as individuals to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before God. Therefore, we encourage and support individuals within our congregation in pursuit of their calling and purpose. As a congregation we recognize there may be needs beyond the resources of an individual or small group. We will intentionally seek specific ways to focus/direct corporate resources to affect the world by seeking consensus through listening to one another and God’s spirit in our decision.
World-wide Church
We value affiliations and associations with other religious and service organizations that reflect our values and purpose. They aid the local church in supporting missions, making resources available, and establishing visibility in the broader community.